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The disclosure of transfers of values to Healthcare Professionals (HCP) and Healthcare Organisation (HCO) is part of the transparency initiative developed by the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and completed. Servier adheres and fully supports the objectives promoted through this self-regulatory initiative.

Pharmaceutical companies have to interact with the medical community in order to advance scientific knowledge and improve patient care. These interactions regularly imply important work/time/involvement from HCP and HCO. The outcome of this publication will contribute to provide a better insight on our interactions.

For Portugal, in accordance with the EFPIA code and national law, the  transfers of values to HCP and HCO are published on the following single public website set up by Infarmed (Portuguese Medicines Agency) :  Plataforma – Transparência e Publicidade (

You can contact us for any question in the information provided in this section and also find more information on the publication made by Servier in other countries.