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Our latest news


Our solutions for patients


A focused and innovative player developing targeted therapies to treat cancer


Cardio metabolism

A strong commitment for over 60 years

Cardio metabolism


A commitment to satisfy a major medical need

Making a significant social impact

For patients: promote access to the best possible care

We strongly believe that working with patients at all stages of the medicine’s life cycle helps us develop scientific solutions that are not only more effective but are also better suited to improve quality of life.

Making a significant social impact

For employees: promote health, safety and inclusion

As a company committed to health care, we make it a priority to protect the physical and mental health of our people. We ensure everyone enjoys a safe and fulfilling working environment in which everyone feels included.

Making a significant social impact

For our partners and communities: create and share value

We endeavor to ensure the growth of our company benefits the communities in which we operate, as well as our partners and suppliers.

Making a significant social impact

For the planet: operate in an environmentally responsible manner

We are determined to take care of the planet and ensure this promise is reflected in impactful, tangible action. We continuously improve our processes (with respect to our industrial operations in particular) in order to reduce our carbon footprint and minimize the impact our activities on nature.


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