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A positive impact for society at large

Although profitability and growth remain the primary focus of any business, social responsibility is starting to become equally important, in particular in the eyes of consumers and employees. Here, we consider the impact of these changes.

The Edelman Trust Barometer 20231 highlighted the damage caused to the fabric of society by successive economic, geopolitical and public health crises. Economic anxiety, disinformation, inequalities and the absence of unifying leadership have polarized societies. Over 60% of people surveyed believe that businesses must rise to the occasion and do more on social issues.

Humanitarian aid in Turkey

July 2023 — After the devastating earthquakes that hit Turkey in February 2023, Mécénat Servier donated €500,000 to Needs Map to build a 434 square meters community center in Kahramanmaraş. The center gives families a place to go during the day where they can take part in social and community activities.

By combating bias and stereotypes, companies encourage diversity, equity and inclusion within their workforce. As such, they help build a more harmonious and respectful culture in society. By investing in training, integrating people from disadvantaged backgrounds and supporting local SMEs, they stimulate innovation and productivity. Companies establish long-term partnerships with non-profit organizations in an effort to create a sustainable impact that goes above and beyond purely philanthropic initiatives (such as charity events, or funding community projects). They also boost employee engagement by implementing skills sponsorship programs. Aware that the health of people goes hand in hand with the health of the planet, companies are also striving to minimize their impact on the environment and biodiversity. They organize workshops and training courses to raise awareness, such as the Climate Fresk and the Biodiversity Collage, offering employees the opportunity to enhance their understanding of environmental challenges and develop the skills they need to adopt more sustainable practices.


proportion of renewable electricity in the Group’s electricity mix worldwide


recycled waste in 2022/2023

Although these initiatives serve the public interest, they also help to safeguard the businesses’ long-term future. To succeed, companies now have to highlight their ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) credentials. Fundraising, obtaining financing, socially responsible investments (SRI): for all of the above, rating agencies analyze company publications, sort through their data, and reach their verdict. No-one would be willing to invest in a company with below-par performance in terms of governance, environmental strategy and social policy. Today, non-financial performance, has emerged as a central focus for all businesses. Indeed, new European standards set out in the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), group together financial performance and non-financial performance under the same banner of sustainability.

Meet Corinne Massin, Director of Mécénat Servier and President of the Skills Sponsorship Alliance. In this picture, Corinne is at the Cuomo Cardio-Pediatric Center in Dakar, Senegal. Our partnership with La Chaîne de l’Espoir enables us to train medical teams and fund open-heart surgeries.


“Mécénat Servier enables our Group to fully live up to its role as a responsible, community-minded business. We give our people the opportunity to make a difference and truly live and breathe our corporate values through four different schemes—skills-based sponsorship, solidarity leave, solidarity seminars and donations made by employees choosing to round down their salaries. This year, we will go even further by setting up a skills-based sponsorship program especially for employees who are close to retirement age to enable them to dedicate between six months and two years full time to a public interest organization while maintaining their full pay. These initiatives give deeper meaning to employees’ careers!”

Corinne Massin Director of Mécénat Servier and President of the Skills Sponsorship Alliance
Did you know?

Since 2016, the Mécénat Servier Endowment Fund has contributed to the challenges of the Servier Group’s corporate social responsibility and embodies its convictions as a corporate citizen. It federates and develops the Group’s solidarity initiatives in the fields of health, education, culture and living together.

Mécénat Servier offers four ways for employees to get involved: skills sponsorship, “L’ARRONDI sur salaire”, solidarity seminars and “Congé Solidaire®”.

Since its creation, more than 50 associations have been financed by Mécénat Servier, and 2046 employees have become involved via this endowment fund.

[1] Study carried out by Edelman Trust Institute, 32,000 people surveyed, 28 countries