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THRPTX Innovation Summit: Servier to host its 1st international symposium

The first edition of the THRPTX Innovation Summit will welcome 200 guests from across the globe, including eminent scientists, experts, physicians, researchers, decision-makers, and observers to help shape the health care of the future.

Claude Bertrand, Executive Vice President Research & Development and Chief Scientific Officer at Servier, talks about the aim of this major scientific event.

What was the reason for creating the THRPTX Innovation Summit?

Claude Bertrand: The ambition of THRPTX is to provide an international forum for 200 scientific experts, decision-makers, and health care professionals. It’s an opportunity to share insights on therapeutic innovation and its impact on society, as well as on the emergence of new ways of driving research forward.

We hope that this event, a first for Servier, will encourage the leading representatives of scientific excellence and innovation to meet and interact! We’ll be bringing together major players capable of delivering breakthrough solutions that will change the lives of patients and their loved ones.

THRPTX is also indicative of a Group open to the outside world, fully committed to working with its ecosystem and sharing knowledge. This is the key to identifying the current obstacles and challenges of medical innovation, and to anticipating future medical solutions.

What objectives does THRPTX aspire to meet?

C.B.: We want to reinforce our status as a key driver of health care innovation in France and beyond. Creating a face-to-face event like THRPTX seemed an obvious choice! A special opportunity for debate, discussion, and sharing that will fuel the imagination of every participant. It’s by driving medical innovation with patients and our partners that we’ll be able to take on the health care challenges of tomorrow. There’s strength in unity, and THRPTX’s collaborative dynamic will be a solid example of this.

Why is THRPTX taking place at the Servier Research and Development Institute in Paris-Saclay?

C.B.: We are a company resolutely focused on science, with internationally-recognized legitimacy and medical and scientific expertise. We were keen to bring experts to our research center and to put down deeper roots within the Paris-Saclay ecosystem, which is one of the world’s most renowned innovation hubs. THRPTX aims to be a major scientific event with an international reach, reflecting both our ecosystem and Servier. We also want to offer participants a unique experience with a variety of original formats — to create scientific emulation. I’m convinced that THRPTX can become a regular event, contributing to the evolution of our research and medical progress.

The main focus will be on innovations in oncology and their impact on health care ecosystems and society as a whole.

Two main topics will be addressed during the event:

  • Innovation in oncology and patients, from diagnosis to post-cancer care. This will be addressed by five international speakers spanning different geographical areas and patient approaches.
  • Links between medical innovation and our societies. What does society expect in terms of health care innovation, and how does innovation meet the challenge of new medical practices? Examples include health data, the use of digital tools, and artificial intelligence.

Professor William G. Kaelin Jr., 2019 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, will introduce the symposium with a keynote speech on his work describing the role of oxygen in the cellular mechanisms of cancer.

He will then take part in a unique interview with a doctoral student who represents Servier’s post-doctoral community in an extraordinary discussion between an up-and-coming scientist and a world-renowned researcher.

Innovation at Servier in figures