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“The Patient Side of the Story”: Hear from Linda and Tamás

The latest collaboration between Servier and the Saclay Research & Development Patient Board is the new podcast project with and for patients. After Janet West, listen to Linda Stone and Tamás Bercecky’s stories in the second episode of the podcast.

Although Linda Stone suffers from Sjögren’s syndrome and Tamás Bercecky was diagnosed HIV-positive and suffers from depression, their stories share many similarities. Together, they have had the opportunity to share their views on the value of integrating the patient voice into medical research.

“It’s important to see that all of us go through very different experiences in life. It’s something that happens to you, that’s thrown at you by life. So that’s why I think it’s important that whoever works in research and development or even pharmaceutical marketing, actually listens to patients and that these different experiences are taken into account.”

Tamás Bercecky, a member of the Patient Board and the Patient Side of the Story project

Listen to the podcast on your favorite platform here.

Through this series of poignant podcasts, several Board members have agreed to share their individual experiences. Janet, Linda, Tamás, Oriana, Begonya, Thomas, Estelle, and Veerle tell us about their diagnosis and their daily battle with disease. In each episode, they describe the roller coaster ride, their worries and their hopes… but also offer practical advice and explain how research contributes to their story. And vice versa.

Discover a new episode of “The Patient Side of the Story” every two weeks on and as well as on Spotify, Deezer, Google Podcast and Apple Podcast!

Did you know?

The Servier Saclay Research & Development Patient Board has 18 patient members who represent ten different pathologies(1). It works closely with our R&D teams so that patients’ views are even more effectively integrated into the new medicine research and development process.

Revisit Janet West’s story

In 2019, Janet West was diagnosed with tongue cancer and underwent an eleven-hour operation. The first episode of “The Patient Side of the Story” tells her story and gives a strong, warm and positive account that includes her views on the value of integrating the patient voice into medical research.

Listen to Janet’s podcast on your favorite platform here.

Photo d'une patiente

Working with patients, a priority for Servier

At Servier, we are convinced that involving patients in all stages of the medicine life cycle allows them to benefit from the best therapeutic solutions and suitable care over the course of their journey. In order to respond effectively to their needs and those of their families, their opinions and contributions must be valued. We believe that their knowledge of diseases and treatments is essential to advancing research and innovation, and improving therapeutic solutions and care.

(1) Patient volunteers who applied to EUPATI (European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation), an innovative pan-European initiative involving 33 organizations, led by the European Patients’ Forum with partners from patient associations, universities and non-profit organizations, as well as a number of European pharmaceutical companies.