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Digital tech as a super power to serve patient needs

Information has become vastly more accessible, in particular in the health care industry. Patients turn to the internet to better understand their condition and research various treatment options. Websites offering information such as Healthline are viewed each month by over 150 million people. This trend is further fueled by patient community forums, such as Doctissimo in France and Spain. These forums give people the opportunity to talk about their lived experience and share their learnings with others. Ultimately, this leads to more effective dialogue with doctors.

Did you know?

The telemedicine market is expected to reach €266 billion in 2028, compared with €139 billion in 2023.

Four years ago, the Covid pandemic gave a sudden jump start to telemedicine, which emerged as an ideal solution to minimize the risk of contamination. It has since become popular with patients, as reflected in the success of the online appointment and consultation platform, Doctolib, adopted by 70 million people throughout Europe. These platforms enable some people to see a doctor when they otherwise would not have been able to, due to a lack of time, or inability to travel, while others benefit as they address a local shortage of medical service. By the end of 2021, McKinsey found the use of telemedicine was 38 times greater than before the pandemic. Yet there is still room for growth, as the telemedicine market is expected to reach €266 billion in 2028, compared with €139 billion in 2023.

However, the most striking changes have occurred in digital applications and connected devices. Digital watches and smartphones now allow patients to check their vital signs, monitor their symptoms and manage their chronic illnesses at any time, no matter where they are. A growing number of apps help them in adhering to their treatment regimen. For example, MyTherapy reminds users of when to take their medication or do their exercises. Available in 16 languages, the app is now used by over 4 million patients throughout the world.

Oncoassist revolutionizing oncology

Every day, oncology professionals must make complex decisions while ensuring the best care possible for their patients. Servier has associated with OncoAssist, an application that supports them by providing useful tools and content. Features include the latest news in oncology, information on medications and a tool to check for potential drug interactions.

Digital technology’s remarkable success in healthcare stems from its ability to effectively address a fundamental shift in which individuals aspire to take greater control of their lives and rely less on experts and decision-makers.

Meet Manette Le Grange, PhD/ Corporate Social Responsibility Project Lead at Servier. Manette has been tasked with implementing the Group’s first major project to combat pediatric cancers.


“Leukemia is a common childhood cancer. With the right medicines and medical care, most children can be cured, but the treatment is complex and long (often lasting over two years). Servier teamed up with European Society for Paediatric Oncology to develop POLARIS, a tool that allows parents to follow every step of their child’s treatment on their smartphone or desktop. The treating physician links parents to a secure site where they access the treatment information. The information is “translated” into an easy-to-understand graphic language that makes it easy for parents and even young patients to follow their treatment plan day-by-day. They can also access additional information about leukemia, specific medical procedures, and information to support recovery.!”

Manette Le Grange, PhD Corporate Social Responsibility Project Lead at Servier