The signs of colorectal cancer are:
Intestinal transit disorders :
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Increase in abdominal volume
- Longer, thin and slender stools
- A pressing and continuous urge to defecate (especially in the morning)
- Rectal tension
- Painful and inefficient stool expulsion
- Vomiting
Presence of blood in stools:
- Stools covered or mixed with light red or very dark blood are a warning sign.
- If the blood is digested in the colon, the stools may also appear black like ink.
- These bloody stools are accompanied by frequent or constant pain (intestinal cramps), gas, a sensation of distension in the lower abdomen, discomfort while sitting or anal pain.
- If the tumor is located in the rectum, pains similar to sciatica (extending into the legs) may appear.
Intestinal obstruction or peritonitis:
- They are signs of a major aggravation.
- The tumor completely blocks the colon, preventing the passage of stools and gases. Their accumulation provokes an obstruction which manifests itself as more or less intense abdominal pain, swelling of the abdomen, vomiting, absence of stools and gases.
- If the colon continues to become distended, it can be perforated, causing a peritonitis: serious infection of the membrane surrounding all the abdominal organs.