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Empowering Women Leaders: our “She Is Servier” program launches in Asia

Mélanie Chamaux: The “She is Servier CASA” initiative, launched in March 2024, is inspired by the global “She is Servier” program. Our aim is to address the unique needs of the countries in the region while maintaining our global goals of gender equity and leadership empowerment.

The steering committee is composed of a diverse group of skilled professionals from various regions: Ruby Han from China, Gerarda Marriott from Australia, Priyam Dhamankar from India, Amna Iqbal from Pakistan, and Jason Freiberg from Australia. Each member brings valuable insights and perspectives that help shape our programs to meet local needs effectively.

MC: From the beginning, the main philosophy of this initiative was to build a program tailored as much as possible to the needs of our colleagues within the region. We want to offer a widely appealing program, which is not necessarily easy for a project leaded at global scale with significant time differences and cultural aspects. A program with our people, for our people. The Steering Committee takes the time to investigate, consult and involve participants to make sure that it will answer their needs and meet our objectives.

Another aspect is to involve our male colleagues in some of our initiatives as they have a critical role to play; it is through collective change of mindset and efforts that we will make progress and reach our ambition.

MC: We hope to provide the right tools and support for our 160 female leaders to excel. The initiative is founded on two pillars: Enrich & Grow and Connect & Exchange.

  • The first pillar Enrich & Grow is all about empowering aspiring female leaders by helping them expand their networks and develop their skills. This pillar includes comprehensive mentoring and leadership development programs for selected female participants, ensuring they receive the support and opportunities needed to advance their careers.
  • The Connect & Exchange pillar addresses gender disparities and fosters collaboration within the workplace. By promoting diversity and equity, we create an environment where everyone can thrive. We will achieve this through a series of webinars, panel discussions, and one-on-one sessions tailored specifically to the needs of female managers. These activities provide valuable opportunities for learning, networking, and professional growth.

MC: Our overarching goal is to enable all individuals in the CASA region to fully express their potential, regardless of gender. By focusing on empowerment, skills development, and fostering an inclusive environment, we aim to make significant strides towards gender equity in leadership positions. Our region has significant gender diversity with 40% women overall. However, management representation by women is 37%, therefore it is our goal to improve here. This initiative is a critical part of Servier’s broader commitment to diversity and inclusion, aligning with our global objectives while addressing local specificities. We hope to help and inspire other regions to join this amazing journey.

In March 2023, Servier launched the “She is Servier” network with a clear mission: to empower women leaders and future women leaders within the company. This initiative contributes to Servier’s broader CSR program, #ServierDiversity, which, for the gender equity topic, aims to have women holding 40% of top management positions by 2025.

The Core Community of the global “She is Servier” initiative is composed of approximately 200 members, including ExCom members, their direct reports, VPs in the US, General Managers and Site Managers. For these members, the initiative has allowed a random pairing program to expand their network as well as virtual coffee breaks to exchange and enhance their expertise on the challenges faced by women leaders and futures leaders and allyship.

This initiative is also a platform to implement pilots to ultimately benefit a greater number of participants. For instance, leadership and mentorship programs for nominated female employees, with 140 participants involved. In view of the success of these pilots, mentorship programs will also be implemented for She is Servier CASA and the local Gender networks.

The global initiative supports regional initiatives, such as She is Servier CASA, to respond to unique needs.