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PatientView Report: Servier still on the podium for oncology and ranked first in the United States!

At a global level, we are proud to maintain our position in the top 3 of the PatientView survey of the reputations of pharmaceutical companies working with oncology patient organizations worldwide. For the first time, we came first in three categories: “Transparency on Data,” “Beyond the pill,” and “R&D.”

All therapeutic areas combined we ranked 11th (up 3 places) in the survey of patient organizations working with us. This is yet another demonstration of our commitment to working ever more closely with patients and the patient organizations that represent them, particularly in oncology!


among patient organizations working with pharmaceutical groups in oncology


among patient organizations working with pharmaceutical groups (all therapeutic areas combined)


The 2023 PatientView survey collected feedback from more than 2,500 patient organizations across the world

We ranked first in twelve of the fourteen categories in the rankings drawn up by patient organizations familiar with the Servier Group in the United States. This is a first for a French pharmaceutical company!

These impressive results for our subsidiary are the result of close collaboration with patients and patient organizations. They reflect the true expression of our vocation, which is for therapeutic progress to serve patient needs.

Throughout the year, and all over the world, we strengthened and established new collaborations with patients and the organizations that represent them. One of the best examples of this is the creation of expert patient committees to work with us on major projects. Comprising 18 patients representing ten different pathologies1, the Servier Saclay Research & Development Patient Board has been working with our R&D teams so that patients’ views are even more effectively integrated into the new medicine research and development process.

Did you know?

Servier is currently collaborating on more than 250 projects with patient groups around the world.

Find out more: Our commitment to patients

Find out more: Our commitment to patients

[1] Patient volunteers who applied to participate in EUPATI (European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation), an innovative pan-European initiative involving 33 organizations, led by the European Patients’ Forum with partners from patient organizations, universities and nonprofits, as well as a number of European pharmaceutical companies.