Making a meaningful social impact for patients and for a sustainable world
Ccorporate social responsibility (CSR) permeates every area of our corporate strategy and guides the way we operate. It is at the heart of our Servier 2030 ambition.
Sustainability lies at the heart of our Servier 2030 corporate strategy. We aim to make a significant impact in society to benefit patients and bring about a more sustainable world. That is why we aim to further global public health by reducing health inequality throughout the world and enabling a greater number of patients to access quality health care.
In our offices and at our production facilities, we strive to foster a safe and inclusive working environment that protects the physical and mental health of our employees so everyone may find fulfilment and reach their full potential.
Aware of the interdependence between human health and the health of our planet, we endeavor to reduce the environmental impact of our operations and medicines, including our greenhouse gas emissions.
In order to assess the impact of our actions, CSR objectives are integrated into our collective and individual performance system.
An ambitious CSR strategy
We work for and with patients, day in, day out
We are committed to therapeutic progress to serve patient needs. Our unique status as a pharmaceutical Group governed by a foundation enables us to reinvest all our profits back into the Group, taking a long-term, patient-oriented vision.
We strongly believe that working with patients at all stages of the medicine’s life cycle leads to better care and solutions to support them throughout their journey. Our teams pursue several initiatives to work with patients and patient organizations on real-world issues people face, from diagnosis through to properly following treatment.
Servier launched the Servier ACT for Children (Access to cancer treatment) initiatives to reduce disparities in successfully treating pediatric cancers between high-income and low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). In collaboration with key players in the pediatric oncology community, this long-term initiative seeks to improve access to high-quality medicine for children with cancer, while also promoting the finest clinical treatments, comprehensive patient support and the development of a sustainable framework to treat pediatric cancers in LMICs.
2030 AMBition
60 %
Help achieve the World Health Organization target to increase the survival rate of children with cancer globally to at least 60% by 2030.
Mécénat Servier develops the Group’s charitable initiatives to improve health, education, culture and community spirit. Its primary focus is to support general interest groups over the medium and long term by allocating financial and human resources. Since it was set up in 2016, the Mécénat Servier endowment fund has supported over 60 initiatives around the world.
Health, safety, wellbeing and inclusion
Protecting the physical and mental health, as well as the safety of employees is of the utmost importance at Servier. The SAFE program (Safety Always For Everyone, Everywhere, Every time) was designed to bolster the safety culture and thereby reduce the total number of accidents. The aim is to work toward achieving zero accidents.
Consequently, across the majority of our production and R&D facilities, the site manager works with the teams to carry out a quarterly Hygiene, Safety and Environment (HSE) performance review to identify areas for improvement. In-house HSE audit campaigns are also conducted at industrial facilities.
2030 AMBition
reduction in the frequency rate of workplace accidents with lost time compared with 2021-2022
Operating across locations all throughout the world, Servier is a Group made up of people from all backgrounds, profiles and career paths. The diversity of our people reflects the diversity of the patients we serve. We maintain that each individual is unique and deserves respect, no matter how different they may seem.
To combat all forms of discrimination while promoting diversity and developing an increasingly inclusive workplace. As such, in 2023-2024, we launched a diversity, equity and inclusion training program, with the aim of training 600 managers in France. The course will ultimately be extended across the entire Group.
We strive to grow responsibly
At Servier, collaboration and mutual respect for economic and ethical commitments are central to our relationships with suppliers and partners. We exercise constant vigilance regarding the way we work, in particular by ensuring our suppliers comply with sustainable development principles and respect human rights, health and safety, the environment and the principles set out in our Ethics Charter and Code of Conduct. The EcoVadis platform enables us to assess suppliers according to financial, ethical, social and environmental criteria.
93 %
In 2023-2024, 93% of our 100 most important suppliers and 50% of our 1,000 most important suppliers have been assessed on the EcoVadis platform. Our objective for 2024-2025 is to reach 95% for the top 100 and 70% of the top 1,000.
By protecting the health of the environment, we inevitably protect human health.
As part of our climate commitment, we strengthened our targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to align them with the Paris Agreement. The new trajectory will be submitted to the SBTi(2), the body setting the benchmark in terms of corporate action on climate.
42 %
reduction in greenhouse gas emissions across scopes 1 and 2 and 25% reduction in scope 3 emissions compared with 2021-2022 3.
We also take action to support biodiversity. By joining Act4Nature International in 2021, we signed up to ten commitments and in addition have made our own pledges set out in our CSR strategy.
100 %
of our facilities in France to earn the BiodiverCity® Life or equivalent.
We strive to take account of environmental considerations all throughout the medicine life cycle while maintaining consistently high standards regarding efficacy and therapeutic safety.
100 %
of new brand-name medicines to be developed in accordance with an ecodesign approach.
Five of our facilities are fully powered by renewable energies, and eight are certified ISO 14001 and/or ISO 50001. The proportion of renewable electricity in our energy mix grew by 9 points on 2022-2023 to reach 19%.
1Senior management includes those sitting on the Executive Committee and their direct reports (excluding assistants), representing a group of 124 people.
2 SBTi (Science Based Targets Initiative) is an initiative that helps companies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the targets set out in the Paris Agreement.
3The Scope 3 target includes emissions from GHG Protocol Category 1 (Purchased Goods and Services), Category 3 (Energy-related emissions not included in scope 1 or 2), Category 4 (Upstream Freight) and Category 6 (Business Travel).