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Talent acquisition is an absolute priority if we are to bring about the transformation of the pharmaceutical industry. According to a study carried out by Deloitte1, the companies in this sector continue to invest heavily in R&D, with strong demand for people specializing in clinical research, molecular biology, pharmacology and organic chemistry. The rise of personalized therapies also requires rare expertise in precision medicine and bioproduction.

The challenge is to integrate people with the best skills and build diverse teams where the accomplished in-house technical experts can collaborate with experts from other sectors.

It is also becoming essential to open ourselves up to and become proficient in other strategic areas, especially in relation to data and AI. However, only 8% of pharmaceutical companies consider they have fully integrated this technology into their processes2. They must therefore recruit people competent in this area and train their existing employees.

Moreover, as these changes are occurring within an increasingly stringent regulatory framework (with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and printing serial numbers on boxes of medicines), we require experts able to anticipate, implement and monitor these new standards put in place by the company.

Recruiting people, not just experts

No matter how competent an expert may be, they will only give the best they have to give if they feel truly fulfilled in their job and their working environment. Since the pandemic in particular, work/life balance, training and learning opportunities, the search for meaning and wellbeing at work have become major concerns for candidates and employees.

It is not enough for an employer to simply guarantee individual employee wellbeing. They must also ensure they align with a shared set of values and practices, as they guide the behavior of individuals while also bolstering a sense of belonging. Candidates themselves are all too aware of this collective dimension as well. According to another study, 20% of young professionals say they chose to work at a particular organization for the positive, meaningful workplace culture3.

In the pharmaceutical industry, it would appear that combining technical expertise and personal fulfilment is essential to ensure long-term innovation to benefit patients and society.


Servier recognized for promoting wellbeing at work

In March 2024, Servier received the Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award, becoming the first company in France to obtain such a distinction for the high level of engagement of its employees. With an engagement score of 4.32/5 and 84% of employees who would recommend Servier as a good place to work, this prize shines a spotlight on the Group’s initiatives to foster wellbeing at work, facilitate communication and boost career development.

35 %

of senior management positions4 in the Group held by women in 2023-2024.

96 %

of Servier employees on permanent contracts in 2023-2024.

“The biggest challenge relating to the Group’s reputation with respect to HR is that we must uphold our employer promise. It is crucial to our credibility and the performance of our company, as well as to the relationship with our people.”

David Hindley, Executive Vice President Human Resources

Servier & U – an international university of excellence

Servier & U, the Group’s corporate university, offers employees around the world a comprehensive range of training courses covering cross-divisional skills, technical expertise and leadership. It also deploys tools and programs locally to develop skills in each country. Providing 26 hours of training on average per employee and training over 2,000 people in 2023, Servier & U earned a silver Brandon Hall Award recognizing it as the best corporate learning university.

View from the field
Being independent and governed by a foundation are strengths that really set us apart

“Being independent and governed by a foundation are strengths that really set us apart. We adopt a long-term view to serve patients, which is an important factor in attracting talent. The proportion of Servier employees who come back to work for us is also above average in the pharmaceutical industry in France, reflecting our appeal and the special nature of our workplace culture, boosting enthusiasm and trust in our teams.”

Katéri Cuvillier, Group Director of Talent Acquisition, Servier

Katéri highlights the appeal and quality of our workplace culture by developing our talent acquisition strategy.

1 “Unleash AI’s potential. Measuring the return from pharmaceutical innovation – 14th edition”, Deloitte, May 13, 2024

2 Automatisation dans l’industrie pharmaceutique connaît un nouvel élan”, PR Newswire, May 9, 2024–le-rapport-denquete-2024-sur-lindustrie-darisglobal-met-en-evidence-lessor-des-processus-de-securite-et-de-reglementation-alimentes-par-lia-30

3 “2024 Gen Z and Millennial Survey, Living and working with purpose in a transforming world”, Deloitte, May 2024

4 Senior management includes those sitting on the Executive Committee and their direct reports (excluding assistants), representing a group of 124 people.