Non-financial results
Measuring its social, societal and environmental impact enables the Group to measure its non-financial performance, which is essential to uphold its CSR commitments.
Environment and energy mix
Direct scope 1 GHG emissions (in metric tons of CO2 equivalent)
Indirect scope 2 GHG emissions1 (in metric tons of CO2 equivalent)
Reduction in scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions compared with 2022-2023
Energy consumption in MWh2
Energy mix
Proportion of renewable electricity in the energy mix
Number of sites fully powered by renewable energy
Water consumption in m3
Health and safety
Lost Time Injury Rate3
Waste produced in metric tons
Proportion of waste recycled
Equity and inclusion
Percentage of senior management positions held by women in the Group
Percentage of management positions held by women in the Group
Overall engagement score4 among Servier Group employees
Number of community engagements by Servier Group employees
across all sponsorship initiatives
Human resources
Percentage of people employed on permanent contracts
Workforce turnover5
1 The renewable portion of scope 2 increased this year compared with 2022-2023.
2 In order to continuously improve the quality of data published, we fine-tune our methodology each year, which can lead to variations in our activities. This enables us to adjust our strategy to reach our targets.
3 The frequency rate of workplace accidents with lost time refers to the number of accidents with lost time of more than one day for every million hours worked..
4 Annual engagement survey conducted with the independent Gallup Institute – 2024 results.
5 The workforce turnover rate corresponds to the ratio between the number of people employed on permanent contracts leaving the Group (whose contracts were terminated by any means) and the number of people hired on permanent contracts over the year, divided by two and the average total workforce, to get the monthly workforce consolidated over the financial year, divided by 12, and then multiplied by 100.