Ethics and compliance at the heart of the Group
Everything we do is framed by the need to uphold compliance with laws and ethical standards. We pledge to prevent, detect and correct any breach through our ambitious compliance program.
The need for ethical conduct in all circumstances and strict compliance with laws and regulations form the basis for all Group operations. It enables us to foster a positive working environment built on trust for all employees, carry out our operations in the most transparent manner possible and with the utmost integrity, and enhance our reputation in the industry for serving patients. By carrying out our professional duties in an exemplary manner, we strive to guarantee the success of our efforts to help patients.
Servier has established a set of ethical principles to which all Group employees around the world must adhere. They center around a fundamental rule of zero tolerance toward all forms of corruption.
The program pursues three priorities:
Code of Conduct, training, third-party assessment
First pillar: the Code of Conduct. Translated into 23 languages and available on servier.com, the Code of Conduct defines the behavior deemed acceptable by the Group. It applies to all employees and anyone working for or on behalf of Servier.
Second pillar: mandatory training for all employees, in particular with modules outlining an introduction to compliance, conflicts of interest, the whistleblowing system, interactions with patients and patient organizations, appropriate conduct on social media, appropriate response regarding gifts and invitations.
Third pillar: assessment by third parties acting in the name of and on behalf of Servier on a dedicated platform, as well as identifying those with a high risk of integrity breaches.
Servier has set up a central, Group-wide whistleblowing platform, available in 19 languages and open to both employees and people outside the Group. The information reported is dealt with by an independent body set up for this purpose – the Ethics Office. It is made up of representatives from different departments (audit, HR, legal, compliance, risk and internal control) to ensure it remains impartial.
Internal control
Moreover, internal control now considers corruption risk in its accounting checks and more closely monitors operations and involvement with third parties (health care professionals, patients, health care professional groups and patient organizations). This monitoring takes place on a quarterly or half-year basis.
When breaches are identified, corrective measures must be put in place, alongside potential sanctions for employees who do not comply with the ethical principles set out by the Group.
Steering through special committees
At the Group’s headquarters, a team coordinates the deployment of the compliance program and supports operational staff in their work. This team is supported by a network of over 100 compliance points of contact throughout the world, as well as Regional Compliance & Privacy Officers. Special committees are also involved in implementing the Group’s ethical principles. The Ethics Office manages the whistleblowing system, while the Grants & Donations Committee considers whether the donations and grants made by the Group comply with legal and regulatory requirements. Locally, each subsidiary has set up its own Compliance Steering Committee to uphold integrity and ensure its operations comply with legal, regulatory and ethical standards.
Moreover, Servier has begun the digitization of its compliance processes using its Global Compliance & Transparency Solution (GCTS). Already implemented at the Group’s headquarters, the system will be deployed in around 40 subsidiaries and regions by 2027 to:
Key figures
languages in which the Code of Conduct is available
Mandatory training course on compliance for all newly recruited employees
Online compliance courses deployed throughout the Group
Central whistleblowing platform deployed throughout the Group
Over 100 compliance points of contact throughout the world
23 000
people trained since 2023 in the basics of compliance1
(1) Servier employees, service providers and interns