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View from the field
The Climate School training program has been rolled out to all Servier employees.

My conviction is that ecological transition will make existing jobs “greener”. Everyone will need to understand how the environmental transition will change their profession, by acquiring green skills in existing roles: marketers, lawyers, buyers, or IT specialists. The prerequisite for anticipating these changes in the corporate world is training. Its primary goal is to enable all employees to acquire a general environmental culture (climate, biodiversity, resources) and to understand how their profession will evolve. This is what we are trying to do with our Climate School training offer, which Servier has deployed to all its employees.

Antoine POINCARE Director of the Axa Climate School


is our revamped target for 2030 to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions (scopes 1 & 2) compared to 2021/2022.

A positive impact for society at large

Although profitability and growth remain the primary focus of any business, social responsibility is starting to become equally as important, in particular in the eyes of consumers and employees. Here, we consider the impact of these changes.

View from the field
These initiatives give deeper meaning to employees’ careers!

Mécénat Servier enables our Group to fully live up to its role as a responsible, community-minded business. We give our people the opportunity to make a difference and truly live and breathe our corporate values through four different schemes—skills-based sponsorship, solidarity leave, solidarity seminars and donations made by employees choosing to round down their salaries.

This year, we will go even further by setting up a skills-based sponsorship program especially for employees who are close to retirement age to enable them to dedicate between six months and two years full time to a public interest organization while maintaining their full pay. These initiatives give deeper meaning to employees’ careers!

Corinne MASSIN Director of Mécénat Servier and President of the Skills Sponsorship Alliance

Servier in action

> 50

non-profit organizations funded since 2016 by Mécénat Servier


employee actions in 2022/2023 through Mécénat Servier

Humanitarian aid in Turkey

After the devastating earthquakes that hit Turkey in February 2023, Mécénat Servier donated €500,000 to Needs Map to build a 434 square meters community center in Kahramanmaraş. The center gives families a place to go during the day where they can take part in social and community activities.

Download the 2022-2023 Integrated Annual Report

Download the 2022-2023 Integrated Annual Report